Calvin's Kicks
Vitamin Water is not new in the NBA world. They've done commercials with Steve Nash, LeBron James, and Dwight Howard. But this might be up there with Nash's performance. Although the Kloser is really stupid, Kobe's self deprecating humor with his hip hop amish pictures seals it for me.
On second thought, it still doesn't match this classic:
6 of the Lakers (sorry, no Pau) appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live after their game 7 victory over the Boston Celtics in the Finals. Some of the highlights include: Adam Morrison highlight reel, Sasha fixing his hair, and Fisher checking his privates! Enjoy!
LeBron has two, Kobe has two, while MJ has 4. What am I talking about? My list of the top ten basketball magazine covers! Without any further ado:
#10/ Kobe Bryant/ SLAM/ September 2009
   The Jaw, The Scowl, whatever you want to call it, Kobe's version of MJ's tongue went into full effect while trying his 5th ring. Almost there...

#9/ Kevin Garnett/ Sports Illustrated/ June 26, 1995
   It might not have had the same effect on KG, as it did on LeBron (keep reading), but the tagline, along with The Kid himself, made it a classic cover.

All of this talk about Kobe and Jordan, Kobe still lacks alot in one category: advertising. He's finally got the shoes in place with the Kobe IV's and V's, and now he's got a ad his airness would be proud of.
   Kobe Bryant and the LA Lakers made a quick guest appearance on abc's Modern Family the other night. Lamar Odom and Jordan Farmer can also be seen, and what's this? A Adam Morrison sighting! see what you missed right here: